Awaken Balance Transform™

“GUIDING YOU on an unapologetic journey of self love & personal transformation. EMPOWERING YOU to be your greatest resource.”

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Coaching & Herbal Consultations

Holistic Wellness Consultations, Herbal Product Consulting and Formulating, Herbal Consulting for Medical Professionals, Holistic Life Coaching Sessions.



Educational DIY Workshops, Plant Walks, Personal Development and Empowerment Workshops.


Herbal Annie's™ Apothecary & Supply Co

Organic Elderberry Syrup, Herbal Tinctures, Teas, Salves, Oils, Loose Herbs, Herbal Medicine Making Supplies, Books, Plants etc.



Thank you Herbal Annie for demonstrating how to make safe and natural all purpose cleaner! I’ll be trying to make some today.



I bumped into Anne at the Back to School Baby Boot Camp: St Petersburg and heard she had some Elderberry Syrup. I had heard so much about the benefits of taking it, and decided to give it a whirl. Within the past couple of weeks, I’ve been in close proximity to a couple of ‘illin’ people, plus some living in my home for a couple of days. I decided to take a couple of small shots of it a day, and added some to my daughters first and last bottle of the day (she was also going into a new day care so figured it could only help!) Both of us sailed through without being impacted. I think I am pretty hooked. It’s tasty and benefits are endless. Can’t wait until the next batch! Thanks Anne!



Love the ear seeds and can already tell a difference!! So excited to do this more!



What People Are Saying

Teacher friends! (Or any friends who care about their health.) You NEED to get some Elderberry Syrup from Herbal Annie’s!!! I came home from work Friday & went straight to bed & stayed there the whole weekend. Saturday afternoon, I decided to give this stuff a try. I was told, since I had a bad infection, it would be gone by Monday or Tuesday at the latest. Here I am, Monday evening, & I feel SO much better. I can breathe again. My headache is gone, along with my sore throat & achy body. I am so pleased with this product. & best part is, it tastes delicious! Medicine you actually look forward to taking. I don’t normally recommend products, but this stuff is the real deal!!! Get it, before the germs get you!


Elementary School Teacher

Elderberry Syrup is better than a flu shot – incomparable! I made it to Roots and Seeds plant share at the very end. Clinical herbalist and sparkling soul Herbal Annie had sold out of her Elderberry Syrup!! The quality of her syrup surpasses any you can buy in a store.

Mystical Mama

Hi Annie, I found your YT channel and readings of “The Untethered Soul.” For the past year or so I’ve been eating, living and breathing TUS in addition to the entire opus of Michael Singer’s audio lectures and recent Sounds True video course “Living From a Place of Surrender.” It’s nice to stumble upon someone else who shares an interest in Singer’s teachings.

YouTube Subscriber

Herbal Annie’s! Thank you sooo much for your amazing Elderberry Syrup. Since we have included it in our lives, no one has been sick! There has been the start of something a couple of times, but the Elderberry, I know, has kept it away. I look forward to using it this coming week, before we head back to school! Please feel free to use this post on your website! I am a proud and happy customer!

Thirty One Consultant

Herbal Annie’s has the BEST elderberry syrup!-Loretta, Real World Permaculture

I enjoyed your bath crystals. Can’t wait to get more!- Monica, Healthcare

Herbal Annie’s is the best!! Riley, Mirage Beauty Salon

We love our Herbal Annie’s elderberry syrup! It’s at our breakfast table every morning.


The Posh Tot

Herbal Annie’s Elderberry Syrup is absolutely amazing and tastes so good! The kids can’t get enough. Thank you!


St. Pete Slumber Company

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